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eBook: The solutions to constructions most expensive problem

18 Ebook 2

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The scale of construction’s rework problem simply cannot be ignored.

Estimates place the amount wasted on error and rework at 5-30% of project costs. For an industry that works on tight profit margins of around 4% before tax and faces a host of other threats including material and labour shortages, something has to change.

In our last e-book, The root causes of rework in construction, we examined the reasons why avoidable error occurs with such devastating frequency in construction. In this e-book, we explore practical steps you can take to resolve these issues.

Get your copy of our latest eBook now to discover the ways error and its associated rework costs can be eradicated.

Get your copy of our latest eBook now to find solutions to constructions most expensive problem.

eBook: Root causes of rework - download now