Resources - Concrete Yellow


Leak Wells Positioning Error

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Inspecting the leak wells on one of our partners' hyperscale data center projects, our Field Application Engineer (FAE) was called in due to some confusion with the subcontractor regarding positioning. Sure enough, we discovered that the leak well at the rear was incorrectly positioned, clashing with the fire protection pipes in the model.

The issue arose because the latest model for the pipes wasn't uploaded by the general contractor, and the subcontractor was using an outdated drawing for positioning the leak well. Fortunately, by using engineering grade Augmented Reality™ in the field, we were able to work from the most up-to-date models and relay all the necessary information back to the GC, preventing any knock-on effects down the line.

This scenario highlights the power of capturing errors at the earliest stage before they propagate and become more time-intensive and costly to fix. It also showcases the importance of collaborative work with the GC and the subcontractors.


Mark Robertson BW

Mark Robertson