Resources - Concrete Yellow


Real-time, accurate inspection

Realtime accurate installation

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Real-time, accurate inspection is imperative to meet the growing demands for robust data centers.

In our latest onsite video, an XYZ Field Application Engineer deploys the Atom™ to optimize the inspection process on a hyperscale data center project. Thanks to its Engineering Grade capabilities, the Atom effortlessly loads complex BIM and allows for the isolation of specific areas, enabling thorough inspections of installations. With the Atom operating from a distance, you gain a comprehensive view of the entire building, facilitating a better understanding of the project.

Within the remarkable scale and complexity of the data center, the Atom proves to be invaluable, empowering our engineer to meticulously scrutinize every column's precise alignment. Stay ahead by embracing innovation with Engineering Grade AR™. It revolutionizes inspections, enhancing onsite efficiency and productivity, eliminating costly errors – ensuring exceptional project delivery.

Ready to experience the power of the Atom in action? Book a demo with our team today and discover how it can revolutionize your data center delivery.


Stephen Webb

Stephen Webb
