Resources - Concrete Yellow


Sectioning the AR model to 1:20 scale for inspection

Sectioning the ar model to 1 20 scale for inspection

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The surge in artificial intelligence (AI) is driving unprecedented demand for data centers. As a result, top data center builders are now turning to XYZ for a reliable solution that ensures their projects are executed flawlessly, with minimized risk, staying on schedule and within budget.

Watch as our expert field engineers deploy the Atom onsite. With a simple step, they reveal various models, providing a comprehensive view of the project. A clearer perspective emerges as they turn off the architectural model.

Leveraging our Project Controls solution and the progress tracking tool, our engineers meticulously assess the ventilation duct's installation status, discovering a section that requires immediate attention.

With the power of the 'scale' section box, our engineers inspect models in intricate detail. This versatile tool can be effortlessly adjusted to their preferences, granting them complete control over the visualization.

If you have a mission-critical project or a data center, don't hesitate to get in touch with one of our experts today.


Stephen Webb

Stephen Webb
