Resources - Hex Concrete


Through The Lens Episode #1: The Future of Quality Control

21 Through the lens feature 1

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The construction industry has always been accused of being slow to pick up new technologies, but that is all changing.

In the first episode of our Through The Lens series, we take a behind-the-scenes look at a day in the life of an XYZ Site Engineer.

With the increased digitisation of the sector, global visionaries are now embracing future technologies and changing the game. In this episode, we follow Stephen Webb, Senior Project Delivery Manager at XYZ Reality, as he enables advanced coordination, design and build verification, quality control, and data management onsite, delivering unparalleled visibility for construction teams.

From improved build quality and efficiency, using Augmented Reality promises a more sustainable future by eliminating rework altogether, our Through The Lens series gets to know the people, the products, and the plans, demystifying the tech and illuminating the future of what the construction industry looks like.

Enjoy the series!

If you want to discover how XYZ can transform your construction project, book a demo here:


AB 2023

Adam Brown